MAY WOLFE is a native New Yorker who travels between NYC and Nashville. Some would say she is a woman of the city with a small town heart. She lives with her two cats: Stella Bella and Luna Tallulah. Stay tuned as her private hobby goes public.

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Meet your new amiga in music.

Courtesy of Ayesha Kazim


Courtesy of Ayesha Kazim

After working behind the scenes in multiple industries
from fashion to higher education, she is now moving to the forefront
and sharing her MUSIC with YOU.

MAY WOLFE is recording her first projects to be released in 2023 at Lounge Studios in New York.  From 2013 - 2016 Lounge Studios served as the East Coast Recording Studio Headquarters for Atlantic Records and Warner Chappelle. It is now owned by the inspirational Walter Randall. 

May writes her own lyrics and is currently learning to play multiple instruments. On her list are the harp, piano, violin and guitar. Inspired by her multicultural background she looks forward to sharing pop songs with a twist later this year. 


Where were you born?
Brooklyn, New York

What is an annoying habit you have?

Do you have any nicknames?
My grandmother would call me Ducky before she passed away.

What I'm 


Food: Smoothies. Tacos. Chocolate.
Fashion: Monochromatic looks. Long Dresses. 
Films: Documentaries, Biopics, Fantasy.


What I'm 


The harp right now. I have two at home and have been teaching myself. I always thought they were romantic. 

What I'm 

not about

Having an untidy home.

what I


Amor es Mejor. :)

with MAY

Courtesy of Ayesha Kazim

Later this year....


Let's see where this goes!